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Early Morning on the Farm

Mornings are my favorite part of the day on the farm and always bring a smile to my face. Typically, I head out in my pajamas and rain boots (to avoid dew on my pants from our taller fields), with my hair in a messy bun. It's hard to put into words how I feel walking to let the animals out for the day, but it gives me a sense of joy, appreciation, calm, purpose, and love. It is so peaceful hearing the roosters crow, crickets chirping in harmony, ducks quacking and bucks screaming at me to let their girlfriends out of the barn (yes, even the screaming goats make me smile). There is a chill in the air as I watch the sun start to peak over the fog covered hillside. The air smells clean and is a refreshing way to wake up in the morning.

My morning view

I never thought of myself as a morning person or a farmer, but I have always been and always will be an animal lover. Instead of the annoying alarm clock in the morning buzzing obnoxiously, I am excited to wake up to goat screams and rooster crows. I gladly get out of bed, eyes half shut to go let out, check on and feed our abundance of animals that we are truly blessed to have.

It's dim out, so our solar lights to the barn are still lighting my path like a runway.

My mornings start with loading up some Chaffhaye in buckets for the goats to give them a nutritional boost to start their day. I let Bailey , our indoor farm dog, out the back and meet her at the gate with food in hand. She is happy to help me check on all the animals every morning. I check all the waters to make sure they are full (and unfrozen if it's winter). We free-range our birds during the day, so I let the chickens and ducks out of their housing in the morning and make sure they have food for the day. We recently added barn cats, so I also check their food and give them tasty canned food as well as some treats. There is also some time after everything is fed to give them some pets and just enjoy watching how full of energy all the animals are in the fields.

I hope this gives you a glimpse into a morning on our little farm. Follow us to see baby goat pictures (first does due February 2020!) and for more insight into our farm and how we raise our animals.


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